The sum of a three digit number, a ten digit number and a hundred digit number is 14, and the sum of a ten digit number and a hundred digit number is equal to seven times of a ten digit number and a hundred digit number The sum of one digit and ten digit is greater than 2. Find the three digit

The sum of a three digit number, a ten digit number and a hundred digit number is 14, and the sum of a ten digit number and a hundred digit number is equal to seven times of a ten digit number and a hundred digit number The sum of one digit and ten digit is greater than 2. Find the three digit

Let x, y and Z be the single digit, ten digit and hundred digit of three digits respectively, and list three equations: x + y + Z = 14, x + Z = y, 7z = x + y + 2 to get x = 5, y = 7, z = 2. The three digit is 275

In a three digit system, the sum of the numbers in each digit is 14, and the number in the hundred digit system is 4 less than that in the single digit system,
If you transpose the number on the one digit and the number on the hundred digit, the new number will be twice as many as the original number?

Let X be the number on the hundreds and y be the number on the tens, then the number on the individual bits is x + 4
The sum of each digit is 14
That is, x + y + (x + 4) = 14,2x + y = 10 (1)
By transposing the number on the digit and the number on the hundred, the new number is more than twice the original number
That is, 100 * (x + 4) + 10Y + x = 2 [100x + 10Y + (x + 4)] + 49101x + 10Y = 343 (2)
From the solution of (1) (2): x = 3, y = 4
It turns out that the three digit number is 347

The number on the top of a six digit number is 1. If you move the number to the right of the original number, you will get a new six digit number, which is 3 of the original number
Find the original six digits

Let the other digits be x, then 3 * (100000 + x) = 10x + 1, x = 42857

If you move 2 to the highest position, then the original number is three times the new number. Find the original six digit number and solve the equation,

Let the first five digits of the original six digits be X,
Then the original number is: X × 10 + 2 = 10x + 2
The new number is: 2 × 100000 + x = 200000 + X
Because the original number is three times the new number
So: 10x + 2 = (200000 + x) × 3
Then the original number = 10x + 2 = 10 × 85714 + 2 = 857142
A: the original six digit number is 857142,