There is a three digit number in which the number on the tenth digit is equal to the sum of the number on the tenth digit and the number on the hundredth digit The number on the number and the number on the digit are exchanged, and the three digit is 99 larger than the original three digit,

There is a three digit number in which the number on the tenth digit is equal to the sum of the number on the tenth digit and the number on the hundredth digit The number on the number and the number on the digit are exchanged, and the three digit is 99 larger than the original three digit,

The three numbers are x + 10Y + 100z
The solution is x = 3, y = 5, z = 2

There is a three digit number whose number in ten is equal to the number in one digit and the sum of the number in hundred. The number in ten minus the number in one digit is equal to the number in two hundred
After the exchange, the three digit number is 99 larger than the original three digit number

There is a three digit number. The number on the ten digit is equal to the sum of the number on the one digit and the number on the hundred digit. The number on the ten digit minus the number on the one digit is equal to 2. After the number on the hundred digit and the number on the one digit are exchanged, the three digit number obtained is 99 larger than the original three digit number
Let this three digit number be 100A + 10B + C
b=a+c b-c=a
b-c=2 b=2+c
This three digit number is 253