1. Multiply several rational numbers, when the product is negative, the number of negative factors is odd () 2. Multiply odd negative factors, the product is negative () Right or wrong Why? Please explain why! What is odd number? I don't quite understand!

1. Multiply several rational numbers, when the product is negative, the number of negative factors is odd () 2. Multiply odd negative factors, the product is negative () Right or wrong Why? Please explain why! What is odd number? I don't quite understand!

One for two

"When several rational numbers are multiplied and there are odd negative factors, the product is negative." is that right?

No, if there is a number 0, then the product 0 is not negative
For example - 1, 0, 1

When there are odd negative factors, the product is negative______ .

① Multiplication of several rational numbers not equal to zero, when there are odd negative factors, the product is negative; ② multiplication of several numbers, if one factor is 0, the product is 0. So multiplication of several rational numbers, when there are odd negative factors, the product is negative. So the answer is: X

The rational numbers a, B, C are not 0, let x = |a | / A + |b | / B + |c | / C, and find the value of the algebraic formula x * x + 99x + 2011
