The sum of a three digit number, a single digit number and a hundred digit number is equal to a ten digit number. Seven times the sum of a hundred digit number is two times larger than that of a single digit number and a ten digit number. The sum of a single digit number, a ten digit number and a hundred digit number is 14

The sum of a three digit number, a single digit number and a hundred digit number is equal to a ten digit number. Seven times the sum of a hundred digit number is two times larger than that of a single digit number and a ten digit number. The sum of a single digit number, a ten digit number and a hundred digit number is 14

This three digit number is x on the one digit, y on the ten digit, and z.x + Z = y on the hundred digit. ① 7z = x + y + 2x + y + Z = 14. ③ substitute ① into ③ to get y = 7. Substitute y = 7 into ① to get x + z = 7. ④ substitute ② to get 7z = x + 9. ⑤ ④ - ⑤ to get z = 2, | x = 5. This three digit number is 2 × 100 + 7 × 10 + 5 = 275. Answer: this three digit number is 275

A 3-digit number. The number of 100 digits is no more than 10 digits, and one digit is three times less than 10 digits. 2. Invert 100 digits and one digit. The sum of 3 digits is 1171
Find the original three digits of Xiaozhe
A 3-digit number. The number of 100 digits is no more than 10 digits, and one digit is three times less than 10 digits. 2. Invert 100 digits and one digit. The sum of 3 digits is 1171?

There's something wrong with your question! The original question is: the number on the hundred digit is one times larger than that on the ten digit, and the number on the one digit is three times less than that on the ten digit. He inverts the hundred digit and the one digit, and the sum of the three digit and the original three digit is 1171. The answer is: if the number on the three digit is x, y and Z respectively, then: z = y + 1 (1)...

If the order of three digits is reversed, the sum of the three digits and the original three digits is 1171, and the three digits can be calculated

Let X be the number of ten, then the number of one is 3x-2, and the number of hundred is x + 1, so 100 (x + 1) + 10x + (3x-2) + 100 (3x-2) + 10x + (x + 1) = 1171. The solution is: x = 3. A: the original three digit number is 437

A three digit number, the number on the hundred digit is one more than the number on the ten digit number, and the number on the one digit is three times less than the number on the ten digit number
For 1171, find this three digit number
OK, in Canada

Let ten digits be n, then hundred digits be n + 1 and one digit be 3n-2
If n = 3, the number is 437
Checking calculation: 437 + 734 = 1171