A three digit hundred digit number is 2 less than a ten digit number. If you reverse the number order, the sum of the number and the original number is 585. What is the number? There's not much time

A three digit hundred digit number is 2 less than a ten digit number. If you reverse the number order, the sum of the number and the original number is 585. What is the number? There's not much time

Let the original three digits be (A-2) ab
There are 100 (A-2) + 10A + B + 100b + 10A + A-2 = 585
That is 121a + 101b-202 = 585
AB is an integer, a = 4, B = 3
The original number is 243

A three digit number, ten digit number is smaller than one digit number, one digit number is smaller than ten digit number, two, the sum of the new number reversed from the original number and the original number is 585

The ten are all one less than the one, so how can the one be two less than the ten?

For a three digit number, its single digit number is 2 less than the ten digit number and 1 more than the hundred digit number. The sum of the three numbers above is no more than 10. This three digit number may be ()

Its single digit is 2 smaller than ten digit and 1 larger than hundred digit, so the number on ten digit is 3 larger than hundred digit
Therefore, the highest digit of a number cannot be 0, and the maximum digit of a number is 9,
So the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 6 (because the maximum is 9,9-3 = 6)
So this three digit number could be 143254365476587698