Given that ab ≠ 0, the sufficient and necessary condition for a + B = 1 is A3 + B3 + ab-a2-b2 = 0

Given that ab ≠ 0, the sufficient and necessary condition for a + B = 1 is A3 + B3 + ab-a2-b2 = 0

The following is the necessity of this proof: the following is the necessity of this proof: the following is the necessity of this proof: the following is the necessity of this proof: the following is the necessity of this proof: the following is the necessity of this proof: the following is the necessity of this proof: the following is the necessity of this proof: the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the necessity of this proof: the following is the following is the necessity of the following is the following is the following is the sufficient of the following is the sufficient of the following is the sufficient of the following is the sufficient of the following is the sufficient of the following is the sufficient of the following is the sufficient of the following is the following is the sufficient of the following is the following is the following is the sufficient of the following is the following is the following is the following is the sufficsufficsufficsufficsufficiency of the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following in conclusion, the necessary and sufficient condition for a + B = 1 is a 3+b3+ab-a2-b2=0

It is known that a and B belong to R, and the sufficient and necessary condition for "a > 1 and b > 1" is "a + b > 2 and ab - (a + b) + 1 > 0"

A > 1, b > 1, that is, A-1 > 0, B-1 > 0, then A-1 + B-1 > 0, that is, a + b > 2 (A-1) (B-1) > 0, that is, ab-a-b + 1 > 0, then "a + b > 2 and ab - (a + b) + 1 > 0" can be deduced from "a > 1 and b > 1", now there is a + b > 2, and ab-a-b + 1 > 0, then (A-1) (B-1) > 0, and (A-1) + (B-1) > 0, then it must be

If a is greater than B, then what is the necessary and sufficient condition for 1 / a less than 1 / b


A necessary and sufficient condition for a times B to be greater than 0

A and B must be real numbers of the same sign, and neither of them is 0