A flea starts from the origin o on the number axis, and jumps one unit length to the right in the first time, two units length to the left in the second time, three units length to the right in the third time, four units length to the right in the fourth time According to this rule, when it falls for the 100th time, what is the number of the falling point?

A flea starts from the origin o on the number axis, and jumps one unit length to the right in the first time, two units length to the left in the second time, three units length to the right in the third time, four units length to the right in the fourth time According to this rule, when it falls for the 100th time, what is the number of the falling point?

You're from grade one,
The first time it jumped one space to the right, the second time it jumped two spaces to the left, the third time it jumped three spaces to the right, and the fourth time it jumped four spaces to the left
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
(1 grid on the right) (1 grid on the left) (2 grids on the right) (2 grids on the right)
It can be seen that when he reaches an even number, he jumps to the half even number (left),
For example, the second time - left 1 grid, the fourth time - left 2 grids, the sixth time - left 3 grids
The hundredth time is 100 / 2 = 50 (lattice) &; write this
A: the number of falling points is 50

A particle P jumps from point a one unit from the origin o to the origin direction. The first time, it jumps to the midpoint A1 of OA, the second time, it jumps from point A1 to the midpoint A2 of OA1, and the third time, it jumps from point A2 to the midpoint A3 of oa2. If it keeps jumping, the distance from the particle to the origin o after the fifth jump is -
