How to calculate the power consumption? What is the power consumption of 820W per hour?

How to calculate the power consumption? What is the power consumption of 820W per hour?

The unit of measurement of electric energy is kilowatt hour (KWH), commonly known as kilowatt hour, that is to say, 1000W electrical appliances work with 1kwh = 1 kilowatt hour
Your electric appliance is 820W = 0.82kw, using 0.82kw × 1H (hour) = 0.82kwh (KWH) per hour

A 180 liter refrigerator used to consume 3 / 2 kwh per day, but now it consumes 3 / 5 kwh on average due to the new technology
1. How many kilowatt hours does this refrigerator consume per hour?
2. How many kwh is consumed in a month (30 days) now?

1 3 / 2 = daily power consumption = 24-hour power consumption
Hourly = 3 / 2 / 24 = 1 / 16 kWh
2 3 / 5 = power consumption in one day
30 days = 3 / 5 * 30 = 18 kWh

Does LED light consume electricity after power off

No power consumption, it is slightly bright because of the discharge of capacitance in the circuit

There is a kind of energy saving lamp used in 220 V circuit, the rated power is only 2 W, and the current through it is calculated

——The (active) current of 1, 220 V and 2 W energy-saving lamp is 2 W △ 220 V = 0.009a
——Because the power factor of 2W electronic ballast is not 1, the actual measured (apparent) current is larger
——If the power factor of 2W energy-saving lamp is given, the apparent current can also be calculated