The electronic tile support of a certain brand is marked with "220 V & nbsp; 110 W", which is connected to the home circuit? (2) What is the resistance of the appliance? (3) If it works for 2 hours, what is the power consumption?

The electronic tile support of a certain brand is marked with "220 V & nbsp; 110 W", which is connected to the home circuit? (2) What is the resistance of the appliance? (3) If it works for 2 hours, what is the power consumption?

(1) According to P = UI, the current through the appliance is: I = Pu = 110w220v = 0.5A; (2) according to Ohm's law, the working resistance of the appliance is: r = UI = 220v0.5a = 440 Ω; (3) according to P = WT, the current through the appliance is: W = Pt = 110 × 10-3kw × 2H = 0.22kw · h; (1) the current through the appliance is 0.5

A brand of electronics has the word "220 v.110 W", which is connected to the home circuit
A brand of electronics has the word "220 v.110 W", which will be connected to the home circuit
How much current is passing through the appliance
2. What is the resistance of the appliance
3. If it works for 2 hours, how much power is consumed

1. The current through the appliance is 110 / 220 = 0.5A
2. The working resistance of the appliance is 220 / 0.5 = 440 Ω
3. If it works for 2 hours, the power consumption is 110 * 2 = 220wh = 0.22kwh = 0.22kwh

The electric kettle of a certain brand is marked with "220V 1100W". When it is connected to the home circuit and works normally, what is the current passing through the appliance


Xiaogang decided to measure the electric power of his TV set. The equipment used is a lamp with known power, an energy meter (3000r / kWh) and a stopwatch. Please briefly describe the experimental process