Xiaomingjia's electric energy meter is marked with "3000r / kWh". He found that only the TV set in his home is powered on. When the electric energy meter turns 5 circles in 1min, the power of the TV set is () w?

Xiaomingjia's electric energy meter is marked with "3000r / kWh". He found that only the TV set in his home is powered on. When the electric energy meter turns 5 circles in 1min, the power of the TV set is () w?

3000r / kWh is 3000 revolutions per kilowatt hour
5 turns in 1 minute, 300 turns in one hour, 0.1 kwh
So the power is 100 watts

There is 3000r / kWh on the surface of the electric energy meter. The electric power of a certain electric appliance measured by this electric energy meter is, how much is the current work when the turntable rotates 60 revolutions at 5mm
What's the power of this appliance

The power consumption of 0.02 kwh by 60 / 3000 is calculated to be the sixth power of 0.02 * 3.6 * 10, which is 72000 joules
Therefore, the electric power of electrical appliances:
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