Xiaoming's electric energy meter is marked with 300r / kWh (1) dial. How much Coke of electric energy is consumed when the dial turns one turn? Xiaoming's electricity meter is marked with 300r / kWh (1) How much power is consumed when the dial turns one turn? (2) If the electric energy dial turns 450 for half an hour (the rotation speed remains unchanged), how much electric energy is consumed in 4 hours? (3) It is known that the vehicle with one degree of electricity can drive for 0.85 km. How many km can the vehicle drive?

Xiaoming's electric energy meter is marked with 300r / kWh (1) dial. How much Coke of electric energy is consumed when the dial turns one turn? Xiaoming's electricity meter is marked with 300r / kWh (1) How much power is consumed when the dial turns one turn? (2) If the electric energy dial turns 450 for half an hour (the rotation speed remains unchanged), how much electric energy is consumed in 4 hours? (3) It is known that the vehicle with one degree of electricity can drive for 0.85 km. How many km can the vehicle drive?

(1) W = 1R * 1kW. H / 300r = 1 / 300kW. H
(2) RPM: 450R / 0.5h = 900r
W = 900r * 12000j * 4H = 4.32x10 (7th power) J
(3) Because 4.3232x10 (7th power) J = 12 degrees
12 degrees / 0.85km = 14km
I don't know whether it is right now

Xiaoming found that his home meter is marked with the words "3000revs / kWh". When he uses electricity normally at night, the aluminum plate turns 10 circles per minute. So calculate according to this: when the aluminum plate turns 10 circles per minute, then calculate according to this: how much kilowatt hour and how many joules will he consume in 4H? How many kilowatt hour and how many joules will he consume? How many kilowatt hour and how many joules will he consume

T = 4H = 240Min, set the number of turns in 4 hours as N, then 1:10 = 240: NN = 10 × 240 = 2400 (turns), and set the power consumption of 2400 turns as W, then 3000:1 = 2400: WW = 1 × 2400 / 3000 = 0.8kw. H = 2880000j. A: slightly. Hope to help you, if you have any questions, you can ask ~ ~ ~ I wish you progress in your study and make further progress

An electric energy meter is marked with the word "1200R / kWh", which means that the rotary table rotates for every kilowatt hour of power consumption______ Turn, that is, power consumption per turn______ J. If the turntable rotates 300 times, it will consume a lot of energy______ It's not enough

The physical meaning of 1200R / kW · h is: for every 1kW · h consumed, the turntable turns 1200R; that is, for every revolution, the power consumption is 11200kw · H = 11200 × 3.6 × 106j = 3000j. The power consumption of 300 revolutions of turntable is: w = 3001200kw · H = 0.25kw · H. so the answer is: 1200; 3000; 0.25

Single phase meter wiring diagram
My electricity meter is in the same box with several others. The first one in my home is one in three out zero line. After entering the electricity meter, it comes out to connect with the second one, and then to connect with the third one, and so on. The zero line of the last one comes out to connect with a terminal of the electricity meter box. The outgoing lines of the zero line of all users are connected to the terminal of the electricity meter box, That is to say, the zero line outgoing lines of all users are all connected in series. Is this connection correct? My home has tens of kilowatt hours more electricity than others every month

1 in 2 out 3 in 4 out 3 and 4 are zero