Short circuit / open circuit, is there current or voltage? When the circuit is short circuited, When the circuit is short circuited, When the circuit is open, When the circuit is open, Please give a specific answer So why is there current and no voltage when there is a short circuit? Is voltage not the cause of travel current? How can there be current without voltage?

Short circuit / open circuit, is there current or voltage? When the circuit is short circuited, When the circuit is short circuited, When the circuit is open, When the circuit is open, Please give a specific answer So why is there current and no voltage when there is a short circuit? Is voltage not the cause of travel current? How can there be current without voltage?

Yes, it's big and dangerous
Yes, but very, very small
How can it flow when everything is broken
The measured voltage should be the rated voltage

Voltage and current in the circuit about the lamp open circuit and short circuit
This is what I just learned in the second year of junior high school
In the circuit, there are two lamps (1 and 2) and an ammeter in series, and the voltmeter and lamp 1 in parallel

When the lamp 1 is short circuited, the current indication is equal to the power supply voltage, and the voltage indication is zero except the resistance of lamp 2;
When lamp 1 is open, the current indication is almost zero, and the voltage indication is the supply voltage
When the lamp 2 is short circuited, the current representation is equal to the power supply voltage divided by the resistance of lamp 1, and the voltage representation is the voltage of lamp 1;
When lamp 2 is open circuit, the circuit is not connected, and the indication of ammeter and voltmeter is zero

In the parallel circuit, if an electrical appliance is open circuit, short circuit and high resistance, how about the voltmeter and current indication
In the parallel circuit, if an electrical appliance is open circuit, short circuit and high resistance, measure the change of voltage indication and ammeter indication of the electrical appliance in parallel,

Voltage and current
Short circuit becomes zero and large (and will burn out)
Open circuit power supply voltage zero
The resistance becomes larger and smaller

How does the total resistance change when multiple electrical appliances are connected in parallel and one is open? If one is short circuited, are the two electrical appliances the same?

One open circuit, the total current decreases and the voltage remains unchanged
According to r = u / I, the total resistance increases
If there is a short circuit, the current in the circuit becomes very large, which will burn the circuit. The total resistance will be very small
Two and more are the same idea