Connect wires on both sides of the resistance, and the resistance is short circuited. It can be seen that the resistance is in parallel with that wire. Because the resistance of the wire is small, the current is low So is the current basically distributed to the wire? In fact, will there be a little current through the short-circuit resistor?

Connect wires on both sides of the resistance, and the resistance is short circuited. It can be seen that the resistance is in parallel with that wire. Because the resistance of the wire is small, the current is low So is the current basically distributed to the wire? In fact, will there be a little current through the short-circuit resistor?

Yes, because in practice, no matter how small the wire resistance is, it is not zero. According to the current distribution of the parallel circuit, a certain proportion of the current will pass through the short-circuit resistance
Only in the book is considered the ideal situation, assuming that the wire resistance is zero

In the circuit, if the ammeter shortens the resistance, can it be regarded as removing the short-circuit part
In the circuit, if the ammeter shortens the resistance, can it be regarded as removing the short-circuit part (resistance)?
All cases
It is assumed that there is a resistance in the main circuit and the ammeter will not burn out. If the ammeter is connected in parallel with the resistor, can it be regarded as removing the short circuit part (resistor)? And take the resistance part?
Also, please be simple. I have poor understanding ability.

If you are a junior high school student, it is because the resistance value of the ammeter is very small, which can be regarded as a wire with a resistance value of 0. When the wire is parallel with the resistance, according to the shunt principle of the parallel circuit, the current flowing through the wire is very large, so the current flowing through the resistance is very small, almost 0. When calculating, the resistance is removed, and the circuit table is regarded as a wire

Voltmeter, broken bulb, ammeter, wire, and switch, which has the highest resistance

In this problem, it can be said that the resistance of the switch is the largest, because if the switch is not closed, it will not conduct electricity at all. The broken light bulb is conductive, but the resistance is infinite

Is the ammeter equivalent to a section of wire without resistance? Is the voltmeter equivalent to a large resistance?
Is an ammeter equivalent to a wire, which can be fully electrified without any resistance? At the same time, can it be regarded as an electrical appliance?
Is the voltmeter equivalent to a large resistance with little current passing through, that is to say, the consumed current can be ignored? At the same time, it can be regarded as the insulator without power?

1. The internal resistance of the ammeter is very small, so small that it can be ignored. It is equivalent to a wire and has almost no blocking effect on the current
2. At the same time, it can also be regarded as an electrical appliance? No, the ammeter does not consume electricity. It is used as a conductor
3. On the contrary, the internal resistance of voltmeter and ammeter is so large that the current can hardly pass through, which is equivalent to a large resistance with little current passing through, that is to say, the consumed electric energy (not current) can be ignored, and it can be regarded as the insulator without electricity