What is the friction force of a 300N object moving in a straight line at a constant speed on a horizontal table?

What is the friction force of a 300N object moving in a straight line at a constant speed on a horizontal table?

1. If we know the horizontal tension, the friction force is equal to the horizontal tension
2. If the horizontal tension is unknown but the sliding friction coefficient is known, then the friction is equal to the sliding friction coefficient multiplied by gravity
3. If it is a cable-stayed object, the horizontal component of the pulling force should be calculated, which is the friction force (because it is moving at a constant speed)

Why is drag equal to traction when a car is running at a constant speed? What is traction? Speed change?

Because of friction, it's Chaka's

Under the action of traction, a car moves in a straight line at a constant speed on the horizontal plane. From a certain moment on, the traction gradually decreases until it reaches zero
A. Keep unchanged B. decrease gradually, the direction is the same as the moving direction C. increase gradually, the direction is the same as the moving direction D. increase gradually, the direction is opposite to the moving direction

The velocity decreases gradually and the direction is the same as the moving direction
The acceleration increases gradually in the opposite direction of motion

If a car's traction equals resistance, is it stationary or moving in a straight line at a constant speed?

If a car's traction is equal to the resistance, then it should keep still or move in a straight line at a constant speed according to the state before the traction is equal to the resistance