A three digit number contains both a factor of 5 and a multiple of 3, and the minimum is______ .

A three digit number contains both a factor of 5 and a multiple of 3, and the minimum is______ .

It can be seen from the analysis that a three digit number has both a factor of 5 and a multiple of 3. The minimum number of three digits is 105, so the answer is 105

Take three out of the four cards 7, 8, 9 and 0, and form different three digit even numbers: odd numbers: multiples of 3: both multiples of 2 and factors of 5

Odd number: 789, 897, 879, 809, 807, 709, 907, 987 even number: 798, 908, 870, 890, 980, 780, 708, 790, 978, 9703 multiple: 780, 870, 807, 708, 789, 798, 879, 897, 987, 978 is not only the multiple of 2, but also the factor of 5: 870, 890, 980, 780

A number plus 8 is exactly a multiple of nine, and there is a factor of 12. What is the minimum number?

A: the minimum number is 28

A number plus 8 is exactly a multiple of 9, and there is a factor of 12. What is the minimum number?

The least common multiple of 9.12 is 36. This number is 36-8 = 28