45 divided by 9 = 5 36 divided by 6 = 6 who is whose factor who is whose multiple

45 divided by 9 = 5 36 divided by 6 = 6 who is whose factor who is whose multiple

45 is a multiple of 9 and 5, 9 and 5 are factors of 45, 36 is a multiple of 6, and 6 is a factor of 36

In 6.18.36, who and who are multiples of who and who are factors of who and who

36 is a multiple of 18
36 is a multiple of 6
18 is a multiple of 6
6 is the factor of 18
6 is the factor of 36
18 is the factor of 36

42 divided by 6 equals 7, who is whose multiple and who is whose factor

42 is a multiple of 6 and 7, and 6 and 7 are factors of 42

Whose multiple and whose factor are the numbers in each group?
25 and 5 30 and 60 120 and 4 360 and 720

The big is a multiple of the small
The small is the big factor
For example, 25 is a multiple of 5
5 is the factor of 25 (5x5 = 25)
And so on