A number is not only a factor of 36, but also a multiple of 6. This number may be______ .

A number is not only a factor of 36, but also a multiple of 6. This number may be______ .

A number is not only a factor of 36, but also a multiple of 6. This number may be: 6, 12, 18, 36, so the answer is: 6; 12; 18; 36

(1) A number is not only a multiple of 6, but also a factor of 36. This may be ()
(2) A three digit number has factors 2, 3 and 5. The minimum of this three digit number is ()
(3) The sum of five consecutive even numbers is 120, the smallest of which is ()

(1) A number is not only a multiple of 6, but also a factor of 36. This may be (6,12,18,36)
(2) A three digit number has factors 2, 3 and 5. The minimum of this three digit number is (120)
(3) The sum of five consecutive even numbers is 120, the smallest of which is (20)

How many numbers are there when a number is a factor of 36 and a multiple of 3? What numbers are they?

Six in all

The maximum factor of a number is 36. What is the minimum multiple of the number

The maximum factor and minimum multiple of a number are its own, so it is 36

A number is a factor of 36 and a multiple of 6

The original number can be 6, 12 and 18, which are 1, 2 and 3 times of 6 respectively. Analysis: 36 = 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 = 6 * 6 = 12 * 3 = 18 * 2

A number is a factor of 36, a multiple of 9 and a multiple of 6

A number is a factor of 36, a multiple of 9 and a multiple of 6 - the number is 18
36/18=2 18/9=2 18/6=3

The maximum factor of a number is 12, the minimum multiple is 12, and the number is ()
A. 12B. 24C. 1

From the analysis: the maximum factor of a number is 12, the minimum multiple is 12, this number is 12

The minimum multiple of a number is 12, and the maximum factor of the number is 12

The minimum multiple of an amount is itself
So the number is 12
The maximum factor of a number is itself
So the maximum factor of this number is also 12

The minimum multiple of a number is 12, which has () factors
Then a and B are reciprocal, their greatest common factor is () and their least common multiple is ()

The minimum multiple of a number is 12, which has (6) factors
You can ask me if you don't understand my answer!

The minimum factor of a number is 12, and the maximum multiple is 12
Please explain
Wrong. A large factor is 12, and the minimum multiple is 12. This number is 12

The maximum factor and the minimum multiple of a number are themselves