It's both a factor of 24 and a multiple of 3. What's the number?

It's both a factor of 24 and a multiple of 3. What's the number?


A number is both a factor of 24 and a multiple of 3. What is such a number?

Integer a can be divided by integer B. A is called multiple of B, and B is called factor or divisor of A
So 3, 6, 12, 24

A six digit number 71 () 34 () can be divided by 88. What is the quotient of this number divided by 8?

Divided by 88 is divided by 11 and 8 at the same time
If the last three digits of an integer can be divided by 8, then the number can be divided by 8
The last one is 4
If the difference between the sum of odd and even digits of an integer can be divided by 11, then the number can be divided by 11
The third place is 8
So this number is 718344

A six digit 26x35x can be divided by 24. What is the quotient of this number divided by 24?

The number that can be divisible by 24 must be divisible by 8 and 3. The last three digits of the number that can be divisible by 8 can be divisible by 8. Therefore, the sum of each digit can be divisible by 3, 2 + 6 + 3 + 5 + 2 = 18, so the thousand digits may be 0, 3, 6, 9, so the number may be 260352263352266352 or 269352