Which of the three numbers 26, 12 and 13 is whose multiple, whose factor and whose coprime number

Which of the three numbers 26, 12 and 13 is whose multiple, whose factor and whose coprime number

26 is a multiple of 13, 13 is a factor of 26, and 12 and 13 are prime numbers

Among the seven numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 25, 30 and 60, who are their factors and multiples? Write down all the answers

2 is a factor of 4 6 30 60
4 is a factor of 60
5 is a factor of 25 30 60
6 is a factor of 30 to 60
30 is a factor of 60
60 is a multiple of 30 6 4 2
30 is a multiple of 6 5 4 2
25 is a multiple of 5
6 and 4 are multiples of 2

Who are the multiples of 27 and 3, 72 and 9, 72 and 9, 120 and 5, 120 and 5?

27 is a multiple of 3. 9 is a factor of 72. 72 is a multiple of 9. 5 is a factor of 120. 120 is a multiple of 5

Because 72 △ 9 = 8, 72 is a multiple, 9 is a factor, right or wrong
Are you sure I'm mad at this topic

We should say that 72 is a multiple of 9 (or 8), and 9 (or 8) is a factor of 72
Hope to help you