The distance between a and B is 352 kilometers. A and B cars drive from a and B. a car travels 36 kilometers per hour, and B car travels 44 kilometers per hour. B car starts 32 kilometers after a car leaves due to accident. Which car takes more distance from each other to meet? How many kilometers more?

The distance between a and B is 352 kilometers. A and B cars drive from a and B. a car travels 36 kilometers per hour, and B car travels 44 kilometers per hour. B car starts 32 kilometers after a car leaves due to accident. Which car takes more distance from each other to meet? How many kilometers more?

The meeting time is (352-32) / (36 + 44) = 320 / 80 = 4 (hours); the distance of car a is 36 × 4 + 32 = 176 (kilometers); the distance of car B is 44 × 4 = 176 (kilometers); so the distance of car a and car B is equal. Answer: the distance of car a and car B is equal

Car a and car B drive from the two places 420 kilometers apart at the same time. The speed of car a is 1.5 times that of car B. after 2.4 hours, they meet. How many kilometers do car a and car B travel per hour?

420 / 2.4 / (1 + 1.5), = 420 / 2.4 / 2.5, = 70 (km / h), 70 × 1.5 = 105 (km / h)

Car a and car B drive from the two places 420 kilometers apart at the same time. The speed of car a is 1.5 times that of car B. after 2.4 hours, they meet. How many kilometers do car a and car B travel per hour?

420 / 2.4 / (1 + 1.5), = 420 / 2.4 / 2.5, = 70 (km / h), 70 × 1.5 = 105 (km / h)

A and B two cars from 420 kilometers away from the two places at the same time, after three hours on the way to meet. A car speed is two-thirds of B car, B car level
The number of kilometers per hour is solved by equation

Set B speed x
B car speed 84 km / h