The distance between the two places is 1800 meters. Party A and Party B set out at the same time. Party A is fast and Party B is slow. They meet in place a in 12 minutes If each person walks 25 meters more, then the meeting place B is 33 meters away from the ground A. how many meters does a walk at the original speed per minute?

The distance between the two places is 1800 meters. Party A and Party B set out at the same time. Party A is fast and Party B is slow. They meet in place a in 12 minutes If each person walks 25 meters more, then the meeting place B is 33 meters away from the ground A. how many meters does a walk at the original speed per minute?

The sum of the two speed is 1800 △ 12 = 150m / min, and the average speed is 150 △ 2 = 75m / min
If each person walks 25m more per minute, the average speed is 75 + 25 = 100M / min, and it takes 1800 △ 2 * 100 = 9 minutes to complete the whole journey
12-9 = 3, then the velocity of a is (33 + 9 × 25) △ 3 = 86m / min
A used to walk 86 meters per minute

Party A and Party B start from AB and meet each other for the first time 50 meters above the midpoint of A. after arriving at the two places, Party A and Party B return to meet each other for the second time 100 meters away from a to solve the binary linear equation of the distance between the two places

If the distance is x meters, there are: (x / 2 + 50): (x / 2-50) = (2x-100): (x + 100); X & # 178; - 50x-100x + 5000 = x & # 178; - 2 + 50x + 50x + 5000; X & # 178; - 2-250x = 0; X & # 178; - 500X = 0; X = 500; so the distance is 500 meters