AB is 1000 meters apart. Party A and Party B start from two places at the same time and walk back and forth. The first meeting is 100 meters away from the midpoint of AB, where is the second meeting?

AB is 1000 meters apart. Party A and Party B start from two places at the same time and walk back and forth. The first meeting is 100 meters away from the midpoint of AB, where is the second meeting?

AB is 1000 meters apart. Party A and Party B start from two places at the same time and walk back and forth. The first meeting is 100 meters away from the midpoint of AB, where is the second meeting?
Here we think that a is faster and B is slower, which does not affect the calculation process
The distance between the first meeting and the midpoint is 100 meters
Then a line of 1000 / 2 + 100 = 600 meters
Then B line 1000-600 = 400 meters
When the two cars met for the second time, they made a total of three trips, so the first trip was 600 × 3 = 1800 meters
At this time, the distance between a and B is 1800-1000 = 800 meters
Then the second encounter is 800 meters away from B, 200 meters away from a, and 800-1000 / 2 = 300 meters away from the midpoint of ab

A. B is 1000 kilometers away from each other. Party A and Party B set out from ab at the same time to go back and forth between a and B. the first time is 100 meters away from the midpoint of AB, and the second time is how many meters away from the first time

The first time the express meets, the distance is 1000 / 2 + 100 = 600 meters
Second encounter = 600 × 3 = 1800 m
Compared with the first time = 600 - (2000-1800) = 400m

A, B and C start from a to B at the same time. The speed of a and B is 60km and 48km per hour respectively. An oncoming truck meets a, B and C 6 hours, 7 hours and 8 hours after they start. What is the speed of C______ Km / h

① Truck speed: (60-48) × 6 △ (7-6) - 48, = 72-48, = 24 (km / h); ② vehicle C speed: 48 - (48 + 24) △ 8, = 48-9, = 39 (km / h); answer: Vehicle C speed is 39 km / h. so the answer is: 39 km / h

A and B start from a and B at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour and car B travels 48 kilometers per hour
When they meet, car a travels 30 kilometers more than car B. how many kilometers is the distance between ball a and ball B

Suppose that it takes x hours for Party A and Party B to meet each other, then Party A has driven 60x kilometers and Party B has driven 48x kilometers. When Party A meets Party B, it takes 30 kilometers more than Party B, that is, 60x-48x = 30, and x = 2.5 hours
The distance between a and B = (60x2.5) + (48x2.5) = 270 km