Party A and Party B rode bicycles from AB to ab. Party A started 15 minutes earlier than Party B. the speed of Party A and Party B was 3:2. When they met, Party A walked 6 kilometers less than Party B. they walked for 1 hour and 30 minutes to find the speed of Party A and Party B and the distance between the two places

Party A and Party B rode bicycles from AB to ab. Party A started 15 minutes earlier than Party B. the speed of Party A and Party B was 3:2. When they met, Party A walked 6 kilometers less than Party B. they walked for 1 hour and 30 minutes to find the speed of Party A and Party B and the distance between the two places

A velocity 2V, B = 3V
A = 4.8
B = 7.2
Distance = 3V * 3 / 2 * 2-6 / 2 = 7.8

The distance between AB and B is 90 kilometers. A and B start from two places at the same time by bicycle. After two hours of meeting, it is known that a's speed is two thirds of B's. how many hours does it take B to complete the whole journey?

Speed sum: 90 △ 2 = 45 (km / h)
A: B = 3:2
Speed of B: 45x2 / (3 + 2) = 18 (km / h)
Party B needs to complete the whole journey: 90 △ 18 = 5 (hours)

A and B are riding bicycles from two places 65 kilometers apart, and they meet two hours later. It is known that a's speed is 2 kilometers faster than B's?

Suppose B travels x kilometers per hour, then a travels x + 2.5 kilometers per hour
x=15 x+2.5=17.5
That is, a travels 17.5 kilometers per hour and B 15 kilometers per hour

A and B start from the two places by bicycle at the same time, and walk in opposite directions. A's speed is 18 km, B's speed is 16 km. They meet, 3 km away from the midpoint
How many kilometers is the solution of the equation

Suppose two people meet in X hours
The distance between the two places is (18 + 16) X3 = 102 km