If the speed of a ship sailing downstream is MKM / h and that of a ship sailing upstream is Nkm / h (m > n > 0), then the speed of water flow is () km / h (expressed by the algebraic formula containing m and N)

If the speed of a ship sailing downstream is MKM / h and that of a ship sailing upstream is Nkm / h (m > n > 0), then the speed of water flow is () km / h (expressed by the algebraic formula containing m and N)

The velocity of water flow is (m-n) △ 2 (km)

If the ship's downstream speed is a km / h and the upstream speed is B km / h (a > b > 0), then the current speed is____ km/h

If the ship's downstream speed is a km / h and the upstream speed is B km / h (a > b > 0), then the current speed is_ (a+b)/2___ km/h

Given that the speed of a ship sailing upstream is m km / h, and the speed of water flow is 2 km / h, what is the speed of the ship sailing downstream km / h?

Downstream speed = water speed + still water speed = upstream speed + 2 water speed
Then the speed of the ship downstream is: M + 2 + 2 = m + 4 km / h