The distance between a and B is s kilometers. A person walks t hours from a to B (he has a 15 minute break in the middle). If he rides a bicycle instead When t = 8 hours and S = 40 kilometers, the distance of cycling per hour is more than walking

The distance between a and B is s kilometers. A person walks t hours from a to B (he has a 15 minute break in the middle). If he rides a bicycle instead When t = 8 hours and S = 40 kilometers, the distance of cycling per hour is more than walking

=66 / 31 km / h

The distance between a and B is x kilometers. If a person has a plan to arrive in three hours, and then arrives one hour before the question, he should be () kilometers more than the original plan

Original speed = x / 3 km / h
Current speed = x △ (3-1) = x / 2km / h
Speed increase = x / 2-x / 3 = 6 / 6 km

The original plan of building a road is 72 meters per day, which can be completed in 15 days. In fact, it can be completed in 90 meters per day. How many days?
Come on, use it today

Using the original planned speed of 72 meters per day × the time required by the original plan = the total distance to be repaired, and then using the distance × the actual speed = the actual time required of 12 days

To build a road, it was originally planned to be completed in 15 days, but actually 300 meters per day. As a result, it was completed three days ahead of schedule. How many meters per day was originally planned?

300 × (15-3) △ 15, = 300 × 12 △ 15, = 240 (m); answer: the original plan is to repair 240 meters every day