The two cars set out from a and B at the same time and meet 40 meters away from the midpoint. It takes 10 hours for a to complete the whole journey, and 15 hours for B to complete the whole journey

The two cars set out from a and B at the same time and meet 40 meters away from the midpoint. It takes 10 hours for a to complete the whole journey, and 15 hours for B to complete the whole journey

It is known that it takes 10 hours for a to complete the whole journey and 15 hours for B to complete the whole journey,
It can be concluded that the speed ratio of a and B is 15:10 = 3:2,
So, when we met, a made 3 / 5 of the whole journey and B made 2 / 5 of the whole journey;
It is known that the two vehicles met 40 meters from the midpoint,
It can be concluded that a travels 40 × 2 = 80 km more than B,
Therefore, the distance between AB and ab is 80 (3 / 5-2 / 5) = 400 km

The total length of the highway is s (km), and it can be reached by bicycle t (H). In order to arrive half an hour earlier, the bicycle has to walk more every hour______ km.

According to the meaning of the title: St − 0.5-st = s2t2 − t

The total length of the highway is s (km), and it can be reached by bicycle t (H). In order to arrive half an hour earlier, the bicycle has to walk more every hour______ km.

According to the meaning of the title: St − 0.5-st = s2t2 − t

The total length of the highway is s km, and someone can walk t h. In order to arrive half an hour earlier, how many kilometers per hour should the walking speed be?
Please list the fractional equation

The speed should be set at x km / h,
Then x (t-0.5) = s,
Therefore, the speed should be 2S / (2t-1) km per hour
Because I am fast and accurate