A and B set out at the same time from two places with a distance of 100 kilometers, facing each other. A travels 6 kilometers per hour, B travels 4 kilometers per hour, a takes a dog, and the dog travels 10 kilometers per hour Until they met. How many kilometers did the dog walk?

A and B set out at the same time from two places with a distance of 100 kilometers, facing each other. A travels 6 kilometers per hour, B travels 4 kilometers per hour, a takes a dog, and the dog travels 10 kilometers per hour Until they met. How many kilometers did the dog walk?

Suppose it takes t hours for Party A and Party B to meet each other, then according to the meaning of the question, we get (6 + 4) t = 100, that is, 10t = 100, and the solution is t = 10 (hours), then the distance the dog runs is: 10 × 10 = 100 (kilometers). A: the dog has walked 100 kilometers

A and B are 100 km away from each other. A walks 6 km per hour, B walks 4 km per hour, and a dog runs 10 km per hour. When a and B walk in opposite directions, the dog is running back and forth. How many KM has the dog run

First of all, take carsickness medicine and wake up
In fact, only when Party A and Party B get together is the time for the dog to run
Time: 100 / (6 + 4) = 10 hours
The dog ran for 10 * 10 = 100 hours

A and B walk towards each other from a and B at the same time. A walks 5 kilometers every hour. When they meet, B walks another 10 kilometers to a, and a walks another 1.6 kilometers to B. how many kilometers does B walk every hour?

(5 × 1.6) △ 10 △ 5) = 8 △ 2, = 4 (km). Answer: B walks 4 km per hour

A and B leave from ab at the same time. They meet at 6 o'clock. After 10 o'clock, a arrives at B. B is 120 km away from A. how many km are ab?

Time ratio of Party A and Party B: (10-6): 6 = 2:3
Then the speed ratio of a and B is 3:2, and the travel ratio is 3:2. That is to say, 3 / 5 of the whole journey of a and 2 / 5 of the whole journey of B when they meet