(1) 23 of a is 18, 34 of B is 18. What is the sum of a and B? ② 25% of a number is 15 less than 12% of a number. What's the number?

(1) 23 of a is 18, 34 of B is 18. What is the sum of a and B? ② 25% of a number is 15 less than 12% of a number. What's the number?

① A: the sum of the numbers a and B is 51. B: 15 ^ (12-25%), = 15 ^ 14, = 60. A: this number is 60

The sum of the two numbers is 18, the number of a is 1 / 5 of the number of B, the number of a () and the number of B

The number a is 3 and the number B is 18
The number a is one fifth of the number B, that is, the number a is 1, the number B is 5, and the ratio of the number a to the number B is 1:5
1 + 5 = 6 (parts) 18 ÷ 6 = 3, that is, if each part is 3 and the number of a is 1, then we can use 1 × 3 = 3. If the number is 5, then we can use 5 × 3 = 15
If you are in the fifth grade, you may not understand it. If you are in the sixth grade, you should understand it. You are in the fifth grade. I am the first one to answer it. If I don't understand it later, I will answer it at the first time. Add me as a friend. The one above answered with me, but he wrote too little, so he started first. Besides, you may not understand it

(1) The number of a is 18 more than that of B. this difference just accounts for one third of the number of A. the number of a is () and the number of B is ()
(2) 50% of a number is 0.62 more than 4.38. What's the number?
(3) A car and a motorcycle set out at the same time and travel in opposite directions. When they meet, the ratio of distance is 4:3. It is known that the car runs 80 km. How many kilometers are there when the two cars set out?
(4) There are 128 hot spots in the sixth grade of Xinguang primary school. Five out of eight students have reached the standard of physical exercise. Two thirds of the students who have reached the standard are girls. What is the percentage of boys who have reached the standard in the sixth grade?
(5) A village road is to be built in a township. 50% of the total length has been built in the first phase and 30% in the second phase. There are still 8 km left. How long is the village road?
(6) Xiao Hong read a story meeting. On the first day, she read 45 pages. On the second day, she read a quarter of the whole book. On the second day, she read 20% more pages than on the first day. How many pages are there in this book?
(7) Cut the biggest circle from a rectangular board of 5DM long and 4dm wide. How many square decimeters are the remaining boards?
(8) A car from a to B, the first day a quarter of the whole journey, the second day a third of the whole journey, then there are 140km away from B. how many kilometers between a and B?
(9) In a primary school, the rate of reaching the standard of physical exercise in the first semester was 63%, and the number of reaching the standard in this semester increased by 125. This is the rate of reaching the standard of physical exercise in the whole school, which is 88%. How many students are there in this school?

1) The number of a is 18 more than that of B, and this difference just accounts for one third of the number of A. the number of a is (54), and the number of B is (36). (2) 50% of a number is 0.62 more than 4.38. What's the number? (0.62 + 4.38) x2 = 10
(3) When a car and a motorcycle start at the same time and travel in opposite directions, the ratio of the form distance when they meet is 4:3. It is known that the car runs for 80km. How many kilometers is the distance between the two cars when they start? 80 + 80x3 / 4 = 140km
(4) There are 128 hot spots in the sixth grade of Xinguang primary school. Five out of eight students have reached the standard of physical exercise. Two thirds of the students who have reached the standard are girls. What is the percentage of boys who have reached the standard in the sixth grade? 5 / 8x (1-2 / 3) = 5 / 24
(5) A village road is to be built in a township. 50% of the total length has been built in the first phase and 30% in the second phase. There is still 8 km left. How long is the village road? 8 / (1-50% - 30%) = 40 km
(6) Xiao Hong read a story meeting. On the first day, she read 45 pages. On the second day, she read a quarter of the whole book. On the second day, she read just 20% more pages than on the first day. How many pages are there in this book? 45x20% / (1 / 4) = 36
(7) How many square decimeters are the remaining planks? 5x4-3.14x (4 / 2) ^ 2 = 7.44
(8) A car from a to B, the first day a quarter of the whole journey, the second day a third of the whole journey, then there are 140km away from B. how many kilometers between a and B? 140 / (1-1 / 4-1 / 3) = 336
(9) In a primary school, the rate of reaching the standard of physical exercise in the first semester was 63%, and the number of reaching the standard in this semester increased by 125, which is the rate of reaching the standard of physical exercise in the whole school, which is 88%. How many students are there? 125 / (88% - 63%) = 500