If they set out at the same time, a walked 12 kilometers more than B when they met. After meeting, a walked another 4 hours to B B walk another 9 hours to a, find the distance between AB and the speed of a and B

If they set out at the same time, a walked 12 kilometers more than B when they met. After meeting, a walked another 4 hours to B B walk another 9 hours to a, find the distance between AB and the speed of a and B

Let the velocities of a and B be x and Y respectively
9y-4x=12 (1)
9y/x=4x/y (2)
By (2)
y=2x/3 (3)
Substituting (3) into (1) gives the solution
Substituting x = 6 into the solution of (3), we get

Party A and Party B walk from AB to each other at the same time. Party A walks to 5 / 11 of the whole journey and meets Party B. It is known that Party A walks 4.5km per hour and Party B walks for 2 hours
2 / 3 of the whole process. Find the distance between ab
I have written a step: 4.5 △ 5 / 11 * (1-5 / 11) = 6.3km, which is the time of B

A takes 5 / 11 of the whole journey, then B takes 6 / 11 of the whole journey
1-5 / 11 = 6 / 11
5 / 11:6 / 11 = 5:6 (speed ratio of a and b)
4.5 / 5 * 6 = 5.4km (B's speed)
5.4 * 2 = 10.8km (B 2 hours)
10.8 / (2 / 3) = 16.2km (distance of AB)

Party A and Party B set out from two places 18 kilometers apart and face each other. They meet two hours later. If Party A starts 40 minutes earlier than Party B,
How many kilometers per hour do they walk each other?
Using linear equations of two variables

Let a walk x kilometers per hour and B walk y kilometers per hour
So x = 27 / 4

Party A and Party B set out at the same time from two places 18 kilometers away, and they will meet two hours later. If Party A starts 40 minutes earlier than Party B, they will meet after Party B starts
1.5 is the meeting. What's the speed of a and B

A speed = x
B speed = 9-x
A speed = 6.75
B speed = 2.25
No equation method
In the first case, compared with the second case, a walks 10 minutes more and B walks 30 minutes less, but the total distance is equal
It means that a walk of 10 minutes is equal to B walk of 30 minutes
Speed A: speed B = 3:1
According to the meaning of the title, a speed + B speed = 18 / 2 = 9
So the speed of a is 6.75, and the speed of B is 2.25