The distance between a and B is 18 kilometers. Party A and B walk from a and B at the same time. Two hours later, they meet on the way. After meeting, Party A returns to a, and Party B continues When a goes back to a, B is 2 kilometers away from A. find the speed of a and B It is better to set up a linear equation of two variables

The distance between a and B is 18 kilometers. Party A and B walk from a and B at the same time. Two hours later, they meet on the way. After meeting, Party A returns to a, and Party B continues When a goes back to a, B is 2 kilometers away from A. find the speed of a and B It is better to set up a linear equation of two variables

Let a be x km / h and B be y km / h
It also took two hours for a to return to a,
Countable equations: 2x + 2Y = 18, 2x-2y = 2,
The solution is: x = 5, y = 4,
That is: the speed of a is 5km / h, and that of B is 4km / h

Party A and Party B set out from the second place 18 kilometers away, facing each other and meeting two hours later
Party A and Party B set out from the second place 18 kilometers away, and they met two hours later. If party a set out 40 minutes earlier than Party B, then Party B set out for one hour and 30 minutes to meet each other?

Let a walk x kilometers per hour, B walk y kilometers per hour,
The solution is: x = 27 / 4, y = 9 / 4
A walks 27 / 4 kilometers per hour, B walks 9 / 4 kilometers per hour

It is known that Party A and Party B set out at the same time from two places with a distance of 18 kilometers, facing each other and meeting each other in an hour. If Party A goes for an hour earlier than Party B, then the two meet after the hour of Party B's departure. How many kilometers per hour can party A and Party B walk?
It is known that Party A and Party B set out from two places 18 kilometers apart and face each other at the same time. They meet in 1 and 4 / 5 hours. If Party A goes 2 / 3 hours ahead of Party B, then they meet after 3 / 2 hours of Party B's departure. How many kilometers do they walk each hour?

Suppose the speed of a and B is respectively X and Y km / h
(x + y) * 9 / 5 = 18 (formula 1)
X * 2 / 3 + (x + y) * 3 / 2 = 18 (formula 2)
The solution is: x = 4.5km/h, y = 5.5km/h