It is known that the speed ratio of the two cars is 11:7, and how many kilometers do the two cars travel per hour

It is known that the speed ratio of the two cars is 11:7, and how many kilometers do the two cars travel per hour

110 and 70

The distance between the two places is 120 kilometers. A and B leave each other at the same time. They meet in three fourths of an hour. The speed ratio is 5:3. How much does car a travel per hour? What about car B?

Speed sum of two cars = 120 / (3 / 4) = 160 km / h
A speed = 5 * 20 = 100 km / h, B speed = 3 * 20 = 60 km / h

Four hours later, the bus arrives at a and the truck is 120 km away from B. the ratio of the speed of the truck to that of the bus is known to be 3:5. How many kilometers is the distance between AB and B?

Time is fixed, the distance ratio is equal to the speed ratio, so we can get: the distance ratio of bus and truck is 5:3
Therefore, the distance between the two places is as follows:
=600 (km)

Car a and car B are traveling at the same time from two places with a distance of 1600 kilometers. They meet each other in 8 hours. Car a travels 120 kilometers per hour to find the speed of car B

Speed of car B: 1600 △ 8-120 = 80 km / h