Car a and car B go from two places to each other and meet at 50 kilometers away from the midpoint. When they meet, car a runs 14 times of the whole journey. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

Car a and car B go from two places to each other and meet at 50 kilometers away from the midpoint. When they meet, car a runs 14 times of the whole journey. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

A: the distance between the two places is 200 km

Party A and Party B leave from two places respectively, and meet 50 kilometers away from the midpoint. At the meeting place, Party A runs a quarter of the whole journey. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places

1/2-1/4=1/4 …… Distance between car a and midpoint
50 / (1 / 4) = 200 km Distance between the two places

A and B start from ab at the same time and travel in opposite directions. A takes 6 hours to complete the whole journey, which is 50% faster than B
Car B travels 180 kilometers more. What's the speed ratio between car a and car B? How many kilometers does car B travel?
When 20% of the whole journey of the bus, the truck will travel 30 kilometers. When the bus arrives at B, it will return immediately. When it meets the truck on the way, the distance ratio between the bus and the truck is 9:5. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

Suppose B's speed is x km / h, then a's speed is (1 + 50%) x, that is 1.5x km / h
The velocity ratio is 1.5x: x = 1.5:1 = 3:2
The time is equal, and the speed is proportional to the distance, so the distance of B is 2 / 3 times that of a, that is 180 * 2 / 3 = 120 (km)