The two trains run from a and B at the same time. A runs 48 kilometers per hour and B 52 kilometers per hour. The two trains meet at 12 kilometers from the midpoint Find the distance between a and B

The two trains run from a and B at the same time. A runs 48 kilometers per hour and B 52 kilometers per hour. The two trains meet at 12 kilometers from the midpoint Find the distance between a and B

Encounter time = 12 × 2 ^ (52-48) = 6 (hours)
A. B distance between the two places = (48 + 52) × 6 = 600 (km)

A and B trains leave at the same time from two stations 1164 kilometers apart. A trains 45 kilometers per hour, B trains 52 kilometers per hour. A few hours later, the two trains meet?

1164 ^ (45 + 52), = 1164 ^ 97, = 12 (hours); a: the two cars meet after 12 hours

A and B two trains from a, B two opposite, a line 48 kilometers per hour, B line 52 kilometers per hour, two cars from the terminal 1 km meet, seek the total distance!
Don't use one yuan to the second power

① If the two vehicles meet at a distance of 1 km from the destination a, then
When meeting, the distance of car a is 1km, and that of car B is 52 * 1 / 48km
Then the total distance is 1 + 52 / 48 km
② If the two vehicles meet at a distance of 1km from the destination B, then
When meeting, the distance of car B is 1km, and that of car a is 48 * 1 / 52km
Then the total distance is 1 + 48 / 52 km

The two trains leave from two places 570 km apart in the same direction at the same time. Car a runs 110 km per hour and car B 80 km per hour. After several hours, the two trains meet?

570 △ 110 + 80 = 570 △ 190 = 3 (hours) a: after 3 hours, the two cars meet