From a to B, a takes 6 days to arrive and B takes 8 days to arrive. It is known that a travels 80 kilometers more than B every day

From a to B, a takes 6 days to arrive and B takes 8 days to arrive. It is known that a travels 80 kilometers more than B every day

A: the distance between the two places is 1920 km

From a to B, a takes 6 days to arrive and B takes 8 days to arrive. It is known that a travels 80 kilometers more than B every day
Use an unknown number

The velocity of B is X
A is x + 80
The distance is 1920

From place a to place B, line a will arrive in 6 days, and line B will arrive in 8 days. It is known that line a will travel 80 kilometers more than line B every day. What is the distance between the two places?

The distance between the two places is 1920 kilometers

From a to B, a takes 6 days to arrive and B takes 8 days to arrive. It is known that a travels 80 kilometers more than B every day

A: the distance between the two places is 1920 km