Party A and Party B walk from a and B at the same time. They meet for the first time at a distance of 30 km from point B. when they arrive at points B and a, they return immediately and return at a distance of 5 km from point a

Party A and Party B walk from a and B at the same time. They meet for the first time at a distance of 30 km from point B. when they arrive at points B and a, they return immediately and return at a distance of 5 km from point a

Drawing can be seen clearly
From the first meeting to the second meeting, Party A and Party B took two whole journey
The distance a walks more than B is 30 * 2-5 * 2 = 50 km
So one way is 50 / 2 = 25 kilometers
So AB distance is 30 * 2 + 25 = 85 km

A and B set out from a and B at the same time and went opposite each other. For the first time, they met 30 kilometers away from a and reached their destination
Return immediately after landing and meet for the second time at a distance of 15 km from B. find the distance between a and B

=75 km
A. B the distance between the two places is 75 kilometers

A and B start from a and B at the same time and run opposite each other. For the first time, they meet at a distance of 30 km from A. when they arrive at their destination, they immediately return to a
The second meeting at 15 km. Find the distance between a and B


A and B are going from a and B at the same time. They meet for the first time at a distance of 60 km from A. when they arrive at each other's starting point, they return immediately. On the way, they meet again at a distance of 60 km
How many kilometers are there between a and B?

The first time a and B vehicles meet, they drive a whole journey together, a vehicle has driven 60 kilometers; after they reach each other's starting point, they drive two whole journey together; they return, continue to drive, the second time they meet, they drive three whole journey together
When driving a whole journey together, car a has driven 60 kilometers. When driving three whole journeys together, car a should have driven 3 × 60 kilometers. In fact, car a still needs 40 kilometers to complete two whole journeys
Whole journey = (3 × 60 + 40) △ 2 = 110 km
A: A and B are 110 kilometers apart