The first time they met 90 kilometers away from station a, they moved on the same way and returned to their destination immediately. The second time they met each other Next: 50 meters away from point B (point B! Not point a) to find the distance between station AB and station ab

The first time they met 90 kilometers away from station a, they moved on the same way and returned to their destination immediately. The second time they met each other Next: 50 meters away from point B (point B! Not point a) to find the distance between station AB and station ab

The second meeting is 50 meters away from B? 50 kilometers!
When we first met, Party A and Party B walked a whole AB journey, and Party A walked 90 kilometers
For the second meeting, Party A and Party B walked three AB courses, and a walked 90 × 3 = 270 km
And a walked one AB, more than 50 kilometers
So the distance between the two stations AB is 270-50 = 220 km
The formula is 90 × 3-50 = 220 km

A and B leave from station AB at the same time. For the first time, they meet at 90km away from station A. after meeting, they continue to drive at the same speed and return to each other's place of departure immediately. For the second time, they meet at 50km away from station a to find the distance between two places

(90 × 3 + 50) △ 2, = 320 △ 2, = 160 (km). A: the distance between AB and ab is 160 km

The first time they meet is 90 kilometers away from station A. after meeting, they continue to move forward at the same speed and return to their destination immediately. The second time they meet is 50 kilometers away from station A. find the distance between station a and station B. (what if the second meeting is 50 kilometers away from station B?)

Let the velocities be a and B respectively
The first time we met, a drove 90km
B opened 90B / A
90 + 90B / A
The second meeting
A then opened 90 + 90B / A * 2-50 = 90B / A * 2 + 40
B then drove 90 + 50 = 140
90 + 90B / a = 90 + 70 = 160
If the second encounter is 50 kilometers away from station B
90 + 90B / a = 90 + 130 = 210

A and B set out from ab at the same time. When they set out, their speed ratio was 3:2. After their first meeting, a's speed increased by 20% and B's speed increased by 30%. So when a arrives at B, B is 28 kilometers away from a, so how many kilometers is the distance between AB and a?

First, consider the distance between the two places as a whole,
The first speed of a and B was 3:2 until they met,
A takes 3 / 5 of the whole journey, B takes 2 / 5 of the whole journey,
After meeting,
The speed of a is increased by 20%, and that of B is increased by 30%,
The speed ratio becomes
( 3 X 1.2 ) :( 2 X 1.3 ) = 3.6:2.6
= 18:13
After meeting,
The remaining 2 / 5 of a is 18 / 45,
The remaining 3 / 5 of B = 27 / 45,
When a arrives at B, B takes another 13 / 45 of the whole journey,
add up
27/45 - 13/45 = 14/45
B is 28 kilometers away from a,
It's 14 / 45 of the distance,
The distance between a and B is 90 kilometers

A and B set out from ab at the same time and went opposite each other. When they set out, their speed ratio was 4:3. After their first meeting, a's speed increased by 20%
The speed of B is increased by 30%. When a arrives at B, B is still 5 kilometers away from a, so find the distance between ab

When they first met, the distance ratio was 4:3
Then a line of the whole 4 / 7, B line of the whole 3 / 7
After meeting, their speed ratio is [4x (1 + 1 / 5)]: [3x (1 + 3 / 10)] = 16:13
When a arrives at B, the travel ratio is 16:13
If Party A has 3 / 7, Party B has 3 / 7 △ 16 * 13 = 39 / 112
At this time, the distance between B and a is 1-39 / 112-3 / 7 = 25 / 112
So the whole journey is 5 ÷ [25 / 112] = 22.4km