A and B set out from ab at the same time, facing each other. When they set out, their speed ratio was 3:2. After their first meeting, a's speed decreased by 20% A and B set out from ab at the same time, facing each other. When they set out, their speed ratio was 3:2. After they met for the first time, a's speed decreased by 20%, and B's speed increased by 20%. In this way, when a arrives at B, B is still 12 kilometers away from a, so how many kilometers is the distance between AB and a?

A and B set out from ab at the same time, facing each other. When they set out, their speed ratio was 3:2. After their first meeting, a's speed decreased by 20% A and B set out from ab at the same time, facing each other. When they set out, their speed ratio was 3:2. After they met for the first time, a's speed decreased by 20%, and B's speed increased by 20%. In this way, when a arrives at B, B is still 12 kilometers away from a, so how many kilometers is the distance between AB and a?

The ratio of speed after meeting
=[3×(1-20%)] :[2×(1+20%)]
When meeting, the distance ratio of a and B is 3:2
So after meeting, the distance between them is 2:3
AB distance between two places
=60 (km)