When they set out, their speed ratio was 3:2. When they met, the speed of a increased by 20%, and that of B increased by one third In this way, when a arrives at B, B is 41 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

When they set out, their speed ratio was 3:2. When they met, the speed of a increased by 20%, and that of B increased by one third In this way, when a arrives at B, B is 41 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

3 * (1 + 20%): 2 * (1 + 1 / 3) = 27:20 speed ratio
The distance between the two places is 135 km

The speed ratio of a and B is 3:2. After meeting, the speed of a increases by 20% and that of B increases by 30%
When a arrives at B, B is still 14km away from a

After meeting, the speed of a is 3.6, the speed of B is 2.6, the speed of a is 3.6, the speed of B is 2.6, the speed of a is 3.6, the time is t = 2n / 3.6, the distance of B is 2.6t in the same time, so the distance of B from a is 14 = 3n-2.6t = 3n-2.6 * 2n / 3.6; the solution is n = 9, then the distance of AB is 5N = 5 * 9 = 45

Party A and Party B drive from ab at different speeds. For the first time, they meet at 90km away from point a, and for the second time, they meet at 90km away from point B

Time ratio of meeting = distance and ratio = 1:3
Set the whole distance to x km
The whole journey is 180 km

The speed ratio of the two vehicles is 5:3. After the two vehicles meet each other, they advance at the same speed and arrive at each other
The speed ratio of the two vehicles is 5:3. After they meet, they advance at the same speed and return to their destination immediately. They meet for the second time on the way. It is known that the distance between the two meeting points is 56 kilometers. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

Because the speed ratio of car a and car B is 5:3, so
The total length was 8
The distance between the first meeting place and a is 8
A line 5,
The second meeting is a total line: 5 × 3 = 15
Distance a: 8 - (15-8) = 1 portion
1 portion = 56 ÷ (5-1) = 14 km
Total length = 14 × 8 = 112 km