The two ships set out from both sides of a and B. the first time they met was 700 meters away from a bank. They continued to move forward and returned to the other bank. Then they met 400 meters away from B Bank to find the distance between the two sides

The two ships set out from both sides of a and B. the first time they met was 700 meters away from a bank. They continued to move forward and returned to the other bank. Then they met 400 meters away from B Bank to find the distance between the two sides

The ships from both sides of a and B are named ship a and ship B. the distance between the two sides is x meters. For the first time, ship a runs 700 meters, and ship B runs X-700 meters. For the second time, ship a runs x + 400 meters, and ship B runs 2x-400 meters. Because the speed of the two ships remains the same, the distance ratio between the two ships remains the same, that is, 700 / X-700 = x + 400 /

AB goes from a and B to each other. 3. After meeting, B goes on. When a goes to B, B is still 14km away from A. find the distance between a and B
[answer in proportion]

Let a's velocity be 3x, B 2x, time Z and distance y
3X*Z=Y 1
2x*Z=Y-14 2
1-2 get XZ = 14, so the distance is 3 * 14 = 42

The speed of a is 2.5 times that of B. when a and B meet for the first time, it is 4 minutes. At this time, B is still 300 meters away
Party A and Party B run in the same direction around the ring at the same time. The speed of Party A is 2.5 times that of Party B. when Party A and Party B meet for the first time, it is 4 minutes. At this time, Party B is still 300 meters away from completing a circle. Ask the speed of Party A and Party B and the perimeter of the field

Let the perimeter of the site be x meters, and the equation is formulated according to the meaning of the problem
Solve the equation: x = 900
A's speed is (2 * 900-300) / 4 = 375 M / min
B's speed is (900-300) / 4 = 150 m / min
A: the speed of a is 375 M / min, the speed of B is 150 m / min, and the perimeter of the field is 900 M

AB and ab set out from a and B and went opposite each other. The two cars met for the first time 200 meters away from Jiadi. After meeting, the two cars still moved at the same speed,

Added. Did not finish the question