Party A and Party B ride bicycles to each other from ab at the same time, keeping the same speed. They meet at a distance of 12 kilometers from A. after meeting, they continue to move forward. When Party A arrives at B, Party B is 6 and 2 / 3 kilometers away from A. when Party B arrives at a, Party A has returned from B, and is 10 kilometers away from B (not stopping at B)

Party A and Party B ride bicycles to each other from ab at the same time, keeping the same speed. They meet at a distance of 12 kilometers from A. after meeting, they continue to move forward. When Party A arrives at B, Party B is 6 and 2 / 3 kilometers away from A. when Party B arrives at a, Party A has returned from B, and is 10 kilometers away from B (not stopping at B)

Let AB distance s, a velocity x, B velocity y
S = 20 km

When they meet, the distance between the two places is 4 kilometers more than 7 / 15. The speed ratio of the two is 5:4
When they meet, the distance of a is 4 kilometers more than 7 / 15 of the whole journey. It is known that the speed ratio of a and B is 5:4. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?
I want a precise answer

Because "when they meet, the distance of line a is 4 kilometers more than 7 / 15 of the whole journey", then the distance of line B is 4 kilometers less than 8 / 15 of the whole journey. Because the time of two people's walking is the same when they meet, the speed ratio is the distance ratio, so let the whole journey be x kilometers
The results are as follows
So it's 45 kilometers

A and B ride bicycles from a and B to each other at the same time. For the first time, they meet at a distance of 7 km from B. after meeting, they continue to drive, and then stand back at their destination. They meet again at a distance of 4 km from A. how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

According to the meaning and analysis of the question, we can get: 7 × 3-4, = 21-4, = 17 km

Party A and Party B are facing each other from ab at the same time. For the first time, they meet 40 kilometers away from a and 20 kilometers away from B. what is the distance between AB and B
The two cars are still going at the original speed, and return immediately after reaching the terminal

According to the equation that the time of the second meeting is three times that of the first meeting:
Suppose the distance between the two places is x km, and the speed of a is v

A and B two cars from AB two places at the same time, meet at the distance of 1 / 6 of the whole distance from the midpoint of AB, the ratio of fast and slow speed is
