The two vehicles a and B are facing each other from a and B at the same time. The meeting point of the two vehicles is 8km away from the midpoint. Given that the speed of the vehicle is 1.2 times of that of the vehicle, calculate the speed of a and B

The two vehicles a and B are facing each other from a and B at the same time. The meeting point of the two vehicles is 8km away from the midpoint. Given that the speed of the vehicle is 1.2 times of that of the vehicle, calculate the speed of a and B

Suppose AB distance is D and vehicle speed is v

The two vehicles a and B are facing each other from a and B at the same time. When they meet, they are 8 kilometers away from the center of a and B. It is known that the speed of vehicle a is 1.2 times that of vehicle B, and the distance between a and B is calculated______ Kilometers

Speed B: 8 × 2 ^ (1.2-1) = 80 (km / h); speed A: 80 × 1.2 = 96 (km / h); meeting time: 8 × 2 ^ (96-80) = 1 (H); distance between ab: (96 + 80) × 1 = 176 (km); answer: the distance between a and B is 176 km

It takes 20 hours for car a to complete the journey and 30 hours for car B to complete the journey. How many hours do the two cars meet?

The two cars meet in 12 hours

The two cars run from east to west at the same time. Car a travels 75 kilometers per hour and car B 60 kilometers per hour. When they meet, car a travels 45 kilometers more than car B. how many kilometers are there between the two places?
