The two cars leave from two places 539 kilometers apart at the same time. Car a travels 88.5 kilometers per hour and car B 65.5 kilometers per hour. How many hours do the two cars meet?

The two cars leave from two places 539 kilometers apart at the same time. Car a travels 88.5 kilometers per hour and car B 65.5 kilometers per hour. How many hours do the two cars meet?

539 △ 88.5 + 65.5, = 539 △ 154, = 3.5 (hours); a: the two cars meet in 3.5 hours

Party A and Party B set out from ab at different speeds at the same time, traveling in opposite directions. They met on the way, and the meeting point was 60 meters away from A. after meeting, the two vehicles continued to travel in opposite directions
Go ahead at the same speed, return immediately after reaching the destination, and meet again on the way. The meeting point is 400 kilometers away from city A. how many meters away is the meeting point from city B at the first meeting?

A and B start from ab at different speeds and travel in opposite directions. They meet on the way. The meeting point is 60 kilometers away from A. after meeting, the two cars continue to advance at the same speed. When they arrive at the destination, they return immediately. On the way, they meet again. The meeting point is 40 kilometers away from a city. How many meters is the meeting point from B city?
=110 km

A and B leave each other from the two places. A travels 96 kilometers per hour, B 88 kilometers per hour. When they meet, the meeting place is 40 kilometers away from the midpoint of the two places
How many kilometers are there altogether between the two places?

Suppose that a and B vehicles meet when they leave x hours, and the distance between the two places is y kilometers, then;
So the two places are 1840 kilometers apart

Car a and car B leave each other from the two places. Car a travels 96 kilometers per hour and car B 88 kilometers per hour. When they meet, the meeting place is 4 km away from the midpoint of the two places
0 km. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

Meeting time:
=10 (hours)
The distance between the two places is:
=1840 (km)