A and B start at the same time from the two places of AB and travel in opposite directions. A car travels 45 kilometers per hour, B car travels 36 kilometers per hour. After meeting each other, they continue to move forward at the original speed, and return immediately after reaching their destination. In this way, they keep going back and forth. It is known that the distance between the second meeting place and the third meeting place is 40 kilometers. How far is the distance between a and B?

A and B start at the same time from the two places of AB and travel in opposite directions. A car travels 45 kilometers per hour, B car travels 36 kilometers per hour. After meeting each other, they continue to move forward at the original speed, and return immediately after reaching their destination. In this way, they keep going back and forth. It is known that the distance between the second meeting place and the third meeting place is 40 kilometers. How far is the distance between a and B?

The speed ratio is 45:36 = 5:4
5 + 4 = 9
The second meeting, a total of 2 × 2-1 = 3 whole journey
A line 5 × 3 = 15
The distance between the meeting point and a is 9 × 2-15 = 3 parts
To the third meeting, a line 5,
The distance between the meeting point and a is 5 + 15-2 × 9 = 2 parts
Each is 40 (3-2) = 40 km
The distance between AB and ab is 40 × 9 = 360 km

A and B start from ab at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Car a travels 45 kilometers per hour and car B 36 kilometers per hour. After they meet each other, they continue to drive and return to their destination immediately. In this way, they keep going back and forth. It is known that the distance between the second meeting place and the third meeting place is 40 kilometers?

The distance between the two places is (45 + 36) x / 3km. 45x-36x = 40,9x = 40, x = 40 / 9 (45 + 36) x / 3 = 81 × 40 / 9 / 3 = 120

The distance between AB and B is 280 km. Two vehicles of a and B run from each other at the same time. After 4 hours of meeting, the average distance between a and B is 36 km per hour
How many kilometers?

280 △ 4-36 = 70-36 = 34 (km / h)
A: car B travels 34 kilometers per hour

Car a and car B travel from a and B at the same time. They meet in 5 hours. After meeting, car a goes to B in 4 hours. At this time, car B is 60 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers are there between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 300 km