A and B are going from AB to ab at the same time. After arriving at each other's departure place, they immediately return and meet for the second time at a distance of 60 km from A. the speed ratio of a and B is 2:3. Find out the distance between AB and a?

A and B are going from AB to ab at the same time. After arriving at each other's departure place, they immediately return and meet for the second time at a distance of 60 km from A. the speed ratio of a and B is 2:3. Find out the distance between AB and a?

The distance between the two places of AB is x kilometers. From the meaning of the title, you can get: (2x-60): (2x-60): (x + 60) (x + 60) (x + 60) (x + 60) = 2:3, and & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the distance between the two places of AB is x kilometers. From the meaning of the title, you can get: (2x-60: (2x-60-60): (x + 60) (x + 60) (x + 60) = 2:2:2:3:3, 3, 3-3, 3, and & nbsp; &, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & 6x-180-2x, & nbsp;                 120=6X-2X-180,             120+180=4X-180+180,                 300=4X,       &A: the distance between a and B is 75KM

A and B two cars from AB two places at the same time, the first time 50 kilometers away from a meet, after meeting two cars continue to move forward, each arrived at Ba two places immediately return, meet a car a total of 19 25, find AB distance

50 × 3 = 150 km
AB distance: 150 △ 25 / 19 = 114 km

A and B leave from AB for the first time. They meet 50 kilometers away from A. after meeting each other, they continue to move forward and return to their destination immediately
The second meeting is 26 kilometers away from B. how many kilometers away is ab?

First meeting: A and B walked a whole journey together, a walked 50 kilometers
The second meeting: Party A and Party B walked together for three whole courses, and Party A walked three 50km, that is, 150km
A walked the whole distance by himself, which is 0.26 km, so the whole distance is 150-26 = 124 km
A: AB is 124 kilometers apart

A and B vehicles run from AB to ab at the same time. A and B meet for the first time when they are 40km away from A. after meeting, they continue to move forward and return to their destination immediately,
For the second time, we meet at a distance of 20 km from a 2, and find the distance between AB and a 2

(40 × 3 + 20) △ 2 = 70 km
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