Party A and Party B start from AB and meet each other in 4 hours. The whole journey of Party A is more than 40 kilometers. The journey of Party B is less than half of the whole journey. Is the distance between Party A and Party B several thousand meters?

Party A and Party B start from AB and meet each other in 4 hours. The whole journey of Party A is more than 40 kilometers. The journey of Party B is less than half of the whole journey. Is the distance between Party A and Party B several thousand meters?

Simple. This topic has been explained very clearly. 40 kilometers is one tenth of half the distance
=800 (km)

Party A and Party B walk from AB, which is 300 ㎞ away from each other at the same time. They meet six hours later. It takes 10 hours for Party A to go from a to B, and how many hours for Party B to go from B to a

The calculated speed of a is 300 △ 10 = 30 (km / h}
Then calculate the distance of a in six hours 30 × 6 = 180 {km}
So the distance of B is 300-180 = 120 {km}
Calculate the speed of the first day 120 / 6 = 20 {km / h}
It is concluded that 300 / 20 = 15 {h}

A and B cars leave from a and B at the same time. A travels 75 kilometers per hour, B travels 65 kilometers per hour. After the first meeting, B and B continue to move forward. When they arrive at B and a respectively, they immediately return to the original road. The two cars travel for 6 hours from the departure to the second meeting______ Kilometers

According to the meaning of the question, we can get: (75 + 65) × 6 / 3, = 140 × 6 / 3, = 840 / 3, = 280 (km); answer: the distance between AB and ab is 280 km, so the answer is: 280

The speed ratio of car a and car B is 4:3. The two cars leave from ab at the same time and meet 45 km away from the midpoint to calculate the distance between ab

45 × 2 = 90 km, a has more rows than B
90 ÷ (4-3) × (4 + 3) = 630km
A: the distance is 630km