A and B start from ab at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour. The speed ratio of car a to car B is 5:6. The two cars meet three hours after they leave How far is ab from the two places

A and B start from ab at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour. The speed ratio of car a to car B is 5:6. The two cars meet three hours after they leave How far is ab from the two places

The speed of car B is 60 △ 5 / 6 = 72 km / h
(60 + 72) × 3 = 396km
The distance between the two places is 396 km

The ratio of walking speed between a and B is 3:4. A and B start from AB and walk in opposite directions. They meet in 1 / 3 hour. If they walk in the same direction, how many hours does it take B to catch up with a?

The ratio of walking speed between a and B is 3:4. A and B start from AB and walk in opposite directions. They meet in 1 / 3 hour. If they walk in the same direction, how many hours does it take B to catch up with a?
Set the walking speed of Party A and Party B as 3x and 4x respectively
The total distance between two places is s = (3x + 4x) * 1 / 3 = 7x / 3
If we go in the same direction, the time for B to catch up with a is s / (4x-3x) = (7x / 3) / x = 7 / 3 hours

Party A and Party B are facing each other from ab. the speed of Party A is three times that of Party B. after 60 minutes, they meet
Then the speed of a becomes half of that of B, and the speed of B remains the same. Then when a arrives at B, B will arrive in a few minutes? (it's better to count, but it's not possible. Don't use the equation.)

The speed of a is three times that of B, then a and B will definitely meet at d point. After a decelerates, the time required to complete the de section is calculated as follows: a takes one hour to walk ad, then it takes 20 minutes to walk de. x2 = 40 minutes. B starts from D point, how many times it takes 40 minutes to walk is calculated as follows: B can walk DC section in 60 minutes, then it must be 2 / in 40 minutes