A and B start from ab at the same time. The first time they meet is 50km away from a, then they go on and return immediately after arriving at ab. the second time they meet is 30km away from B. if so, where is the third time they meet?

A and B start from ab at the same time. The first time they meet is 50km away from a, then they go on and return immediately after arriving at ab. the second time they meet is 30km away from B. if so, where is the third time they meet?

Let distance: l, speed: V1, V2, the time of two encounters: T1, T2, and then set up equations to find T1 × V1 = 50, T1 × V2 = L-50, L + 30 = V1 × T2, 2l-30 = V2 × T2, and find the speed ratio. Then we can get the equation about l: l = 120, then the speed can be found: V1 = 50, V2 = 70 (here, the time is not said, so it can be arbitrary and does not affect the final answer), and speed: 120, The total distance of the third meeting: 2L = 240240 △ 120 = 2 (time), 2 × 50 = 100 (distance of the second and third meeting fingertip beetles), 120-30 = 90100-90 = 10, so it is 10 km away from a10

A and B start from ab at the same time and run in opposite directions. The first meeting is 32km away from a
A and B leave from ab at the same time. The first time they meet is 32km away from A. after meeting, they continue to drive and return to B and a. the second time they meet is 64km away from A. how far is the distance between a and B? Solution: S = 32 * 2.5 = 80km

As shown in the figure, the blue line represents the driving route of car a, the red line represents the driving route of car B, C represents the first meeting place of the two cars, D represents the second meeting place of the two cars. When the two cars meet for the first time, the distance of the two cars is equal to the distance between AB, the AC of car a is equal to 32 km, and the road of car B from the first meeting to the second meeting