Party A and Party B start to walk from both places at the same time. When they meet for the first time, they are 5km away from Party A, and then walk at the same speed to reach each other's starting point, Return on the same road, and the second meeting is 2km away from place B. how many km is the distance between place a and place B?

Party A and Party B start to walk from both places at the same time. When they meet for the first time, they are 5km away from Party A, and then walk at the same speed to reach each other's starting point, Return on the same road, and the second meeting is 2km away from place B. how many km is the distance between place a and place B?

Let a and B meet for the first time at a distance of X, and a walks 5km,
The second encounter, a walked 3 * 5 = 15km, for x + 2
So x + 2 = 15, x = 13
A: the distance between Party A and Party B is 13km

Party A and Party B leave from AB and meet 90 km away from a for the first time. After meeting, they continue to walk. After reaching the starting point of each other, they go back and meet each other 50 km away from a
A and B have been driving at the same speed

When Party A and Party B met for the first time, they walked a total length of 90 kilometers, which is 90 kilometers away from point a
When Party A and Party B met for the second time, they took a total of three full lengths. At this time, they were 50 kilometers away from point a, that is to say, they took two full distances 50 kilometers away from point a
Actually, a left: 90 × 3 = 270 km
The total length of AB is (270 + 50) △ 2 = 160 km

A and B both run at the same speed from the same starting point on the circular road, facing each other, and meet each other every 40 seconds. It is known that a runs for 60 seconds, so what is the time for B to run for a lap? (one variable first-order equation solution) don't use one variable second-order equation!
I know 120 seconds, but the teacher asked

The solution is as follows
Let the circular road be the unit "1", then the speed of a is 1 / 60, because they are opposite, so the speed of 1 / 40 is the sum of their speed. If you want the speed of B, subtract 1 / 40 from 1 / 60 = 1 / 120, so the speed of B is 1 / 120~