Party A and Party B start from a and B at the same time by bicycle, and go back and forth between a and B. the first time they meet is 6km away from B, and they return immediately after reaching the destination. The second time they meet is 3km away from a, and the distance between a and B is calculated

Party A and Party B start from a and B at the same time by bicycle, and go back and forth between a and B. the first time they meet is 6km away from B, and they return immediately after reaching the destination. The second time they meet is 3km away from a, and the distance between a and B is calculated

A: the distance between a and B is 15 km

They walk 60 meters per minute and ride 190 meters per minute. A few minutes later, they meet at 650 meters away from the destination?

The topic lacks the condition!
Party A and Party B are facing each other at the same time
A walk 60 meters per minute
B. cycling 190 meters per minute

The passenger and freight cars leave from a and B at the same time. The passenger cars run 54 kilometers per hour and the freight cars run 48 kilometers per hour. After the two cars meet, they go on at the same speed. The passenger cars return immediately after they arrive at B, and the freight cars return immediately after they arrive at a. the two cars meet again at 37.8 kilometers from the midpoint. How many hours does it take for the two cars to meet for the first time?

=4.2 hours
Your praise is my motivation
I drink Coca Cola in the desert, sing karaoke, ride a lion, drive ants, and answer questions for you with a keyboard in my hand!

A freight car and a passenger car have left from a and B respectively. The freight car travels 75 kilometers per hour and the passenger car 69 kilometers per hour,
The two cars meet at a distance of 9 kilometers from the midpoint. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

9 × 2 ÷ (75-69) = 3 hours
(75 + 69) × 3 = 432km
A and B are 432 kilometers apart