A freight car and a passenger car leave each other from a and B. the freight car travels 75 kilometers per hour and the passenger car 69 kilometers per hour. After a period of time, the two cars are 9 kilometers away from the midpoint How many kilometers is the distance between the two places

A freight car and a passenger car leave each other from a and B. the freight car travels 75 kilometers per hour and the passenger car 69 kilometers per hour. After a period of time, the two cars are 9 kilometers away from the midpoint How many kilometers is the distance between the two places

After a period of time, if the two cars meet at a distance of 9 km from the midpoint, the freight car will travel 9 + 9 = 18 km more than the passenger car
So the time of meeting is 18 (75-69) = 3 hours
The distance between a and B is (75 + 69) × 3 = 432km

A train and a bus leave from a and B respectively. The freight car travels 75 kilometers per hour and the bus 69 kilometers per hour. After a period of time, the two cars meet at a distance of 9 kilometers from the midpoint. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

When the two cars meet at a distance of 9 km from the midpoint, it means that the freight car travels 9 × 2 km more than the passenger car, and the freight car travels 75-69 km more per hour than the passenger car. Therefore, the driving time when the two cars meet is: 9 × 2 ^ (75-69) = 3 (hours); the distance between the two places is:
(75 + 69) × 3 = 432 (km)